About Envy Casts

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What is Envycasts.com?
Envycasts is the screencasting side of Rails Envy, a partnership between Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer. However, not all the screencasts you'll see here are Rails related. We'd like to hope that the educational content will be expanded to create educational content for other languages and tools (maybe even Python, PHP, or Java).
How do I give feedback or suggest an envycast that I want to see?
Please join the or email Gregg or Jason at this domain.
Can I hire you guys to produce an educational video?
Yes, please. We love producing media content, and would love to talk to you. Email: hire at RailsEnvy dot com
Can I hire you guys to train my team on Ruby / Rails topics?
Yes, please. We love teaching, and would love to talk to you. Email: hire at RailsEnvy dot com
Can I contribute to Envycasts?
Yes. Over the next few months as we solidify the production process, we will be looking for a few guest presenters to do EnvyCasts with us. How would this process work? First you'd email us with an idea, and we'd work with you to flesh it out. You'd need to produce a presentation / screencast, and we'd need to approve it / give feedback. Once approved we'd schedule some time for you in our Studio here in Orlando, FL where we'd film you presenting. We'd then do all the post production and post it on the website.
In our experience pre-production and post-production takes about the same amount of time to put together a polished product, not to mention website costs. Thus, we would split the profit 50/50 from the screencast you produce with us. This is pretty typical when you take a look around at other screen casting services.